
Trócaire Lenten Campaign 2020

Trócaire Lenten Campaign 2020

The Trócaire collection this year will, like all other things, be affected by the restrictions in place due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Some parishioners have been enquiring how proceeds should be submitted given that with Churches closed and travel restricted, parishioners will not be in a position to return Trócaire boxes to their Church or Parochial House. 

Having consulted with Trócaire, parishioners can donate in the following ways:

1. Online banking, directly to Trócaire.  Bank details: Sort Code: 93.80.92 Account No: 8822 7020 

2. Cheques can be posted to: Trócaire, 50-52 King Street, Belfast,  BT1 6AD. 

3. By telephone (freephone): 0800 912 1200

At this time, please do not bring Trócaire Boxes to the Parochial Houses or Churches. Once restrictions are lifted, it may be possible to make a return from the Parish, however, it is unclear when this might occur. 

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation.

Fr Micheál


Contact Details

Parish of Banagher
42 Glenedra Road, Feeny, Co Derry
BT47 4TW
Tel: 028 - 7778 1223
